Welcome culture
Welcome and recognition culture
Since 2014, the Hessian state government has been funding municipalities and innovative projects with the state programme "WIR- Wegweisende Integrationsansätze Realisieren" (WIR - Implementing Pathbreaking Approaches to Integration) in order to improve the integration opportunities of immigrants - regardless of their origin. In 2020, the funding guidelines were revised and renamed "WIR - Diversity and Participation". WIR Diversity Centres are to be established.
The WIR coordinator supports and accompanies the development of an appreciative culture of welcome and recognition directly in the Waldeck-Frankeberg district. The aim is to bring people with and without a migration background into dialogue in order to strengthen awareness of diversity and to enable equal opportunity participation in the district. The overall goal is to establish a sustainable, future-oriented integration policy.
The following main tasks result from this:
- Strengthening the culture of welcome and recognition
- Interface between full-time and voluntary work
- Social space-oriented activation of volunteers and their networking
- Strengthening and supporting the development of migrant organisations
- Conception and support of innovative projects on relevant topics
- Organisation of diverse event and discussion formats
- Public relations
- Networking