Four pairs of legs with bare feet on a bench



An opportunity for development: Time pressure, media overload, high expectations, excessive demands, loss of orientation, etc. are increasingly taking away the space for children in their families to grow into the human community. While the individual child is usually evaluated in context within the family circle, many an inner conflict is unleashed depending on the environment and situation. Schools are expected to compensate for this, but they cannot meet this high demand on their own. STARK BEWEGT sees the opportunity to create an option for the children outside of the pressure to perform or the tension by providing special training and further education for the responsible adults, in which they can develop the interpersonal skills that are important for their lives at an early age. Integration, social competence, teamwork, empathy, communication, conflict resolution and other key skills are cornerstones that are always valued in interaction.

For this purpose, STARK BEWEGT trainings are conducted throughout the country at the beginning of the first school year in combination with teacher teammates and other teammates. Different educational providers combine internal and external views and approaches in the design of learning processes. This results in numerous synergy effects with regard to the learning success and the development process of the children. In addition, teachers, exercise instructors and parents learn from each other and expand their action competences. The class is given problem-solving tasks that they can only master together. Strengths, weaknesses, but also conflicts and disturbances (e.g. violence, bullying, etc.) are discussed in the class community. Changed ways of acting to solve problems and improve teamwork are developed and transferred to everyday situations at school. This approach has a direct positive effect on social, health and environmental behaviour. The students are also better able to meet the demands in the school context as well as in the family, everyday life and later in their careers.