Next district council meeting will take place on 10 June in Allendorf

The next meeting of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district council will take place on Thursday, 10 June at 1 p.m. in the multi-purpose hall in Allendorf (Eder). The members of the district council will meet there - in strict compliance with hygiene and distance regulations - to discuss current issues together. Participation of interested parties is possible. The chairman of the district council, Rainer Hesse, cordially invites you to attend. However, prior registration is requested.

Due to the pandemic, the session will again not last longer than absolutely necessary. The state government also explicitly requires people's assemblies to hold face-to-face meetings during the Corona pandemic - especially because of the necessity and importance of the decisions to be taken. However, these are conducted under strict hygiene and distance regulations. Here, too, the focus is on infection control. The agenda is accordingly geared to this and speaking times have also been limited.

Among other things, the deputies will discuss the WLAN equipment in the schools of the district, increased climate protection measures for Waldeck-Frankenberg or the accession to the special purpose association Grenztrail and the new version of the statutes on the formation of school districts for the primary schools. Furthermore, among other things, the elections of members to the commissions of the district take place.

The public meeting will take place in Allendorf, as the multi-purpose hall there is large enough and suitable to be able to comply with the current safety regulations around the coronavirus. However, in order to be able to implement the distance and hygiene regulations, only a limited number of seats are available for the public. Interested parties are therefore requested to register in advance by calling 05631 - 954 325 or e-mailing: Guests will be collected from the main entrance shortly before the meeting begins. Participation in the meeting is only possible with a medical mouth-nose mask. Information on the current agenda of the district council meeting is also available online at