After infection: those who have recovered receive a certificate
Since the weekend, certain relaxations of the Corona rules have been in force for convalescents, among others. This was decided by the federal government on Friday. The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg will therefore send all persons who are considered to have recovered a corresponding certificate of the positive PCR test result no longer than six months ago in the coming days. The certificate will be sent automatically; those who have recovered do not have to contact the district.
According to the ordinance, those whose infection occurred no more than six months ago are considered to have recovered, since, according to the federal government, sufficient immune protection can be assumed as a result of the infection during this period. This group of people will find a corresponding certificate in their mailbox in the coming days, with which those who have recovered will regain some freedoms. The certificate does not have to be applied for, but is issued automatically.
However, people whose infection occurred more than six months ago will not receive a letter - even if they have proof that they have antibodies to the coronavirus. This is because, according to the federal government, only proof of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies is not sufficient to make a reliable statement about immunity as things stand at present. Convalescents whose infection occurred more than half a year ago will therefore unfortunately not be able to benefit from the relaxations.
All others who have recovered receive a certificate - dated from the beginning of the official quarantine imposed by the district health department. From this point on, the certificate is valid for six months - and during the following six months it allows, among other things, the relaxation of contact and exit restrictions, access to areas where test certificates are required or quarantine obligations.
According to the Federal Government, the relaxations also apply to fully vaccinated persons. Vaccinated persons are those who, according to the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO), have full vaccination protection with vaccines approved by the European Union. Depending on the vaccine, this means one or two vaccinations. These must have been given 14 days previously. The proof must be submitted in digital or analogue form.
Relaxations for convalescents and vaccinated persons
Contact and exit restrictions for recovered and vaccinated persons no longer apply. Thus, for example, vaccinated and recovered persons are no longer counted at private gatherings. Night-time exit restrictions under the Infection Protection Act also no longer apply to these groups of people. For certain exceptions to the Corona protection measures, for which a negative test is a prerequisite, vaccinated and recovered persons are to be placed on an equal footing with those who have tested negative. This means that they do not have to present a current negative test result in order to go to the hairdresser, shops or the zoo, for example.
The following applies to sports: The restrictions that non-contact individual sports are only possible alone, in pairs or with members of one's own household are lifted for vaccinated and recovered persons. Quarantine obligations also do not apply to vaccinated and recovered persons - for example when entering the country from abroad. However, this does not apply to travel from so-called virus variant areas. It is important to note, however, that the AHA rules - i.e. keep your distance, maintain hygiene and wear masks - still apply. Vaccinated, recovered and tested persons must continue to wear a mouth-nose covering and keep their distance. There is no relief here.