Training opportunities: District offers career opportunities

Shortage of skilled workers: a massive problem for many companies these days. But even public authorities have difficulties finding and keeping trained professionals. The solution? Training and studies as well as the opportunity for further education. The district administration of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district, for example, has massively expanded its range of training and study courses as well as further education. This year alone, 33 graduates from a wide variety of training courses were honoured by District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst.

Giving and continuing to offer opportunities is how the district aims to attract and retain employees. "We not only offer the opportunity to complete a training course in our administration, but also to advance and to develop continuously," explained District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst. This year, for example, six people successfully completed a qualification to become managers, eight career changers were able to gain an overview of administrative activities with the basic administration course, and two other employees mastered their administrative specialist and at the same time passed the training to become trainers. The district administration also offers the course to become a trainer. "This is how we ensure that our training maintains its high quality and that the trainees are always assisted by a trained person," added Andreas Mann, Head of Human Resources.

In addition, five administrative assistants, one office management assistant and four Bachelor of Arts Public Administration students successfully completed their training. Among the many graduates this year, two people stand out in particular: Felix Amstutz and Christian Lein completed their training as administrative assistants with the highest grade and were both honoured as best in class and best in the country. "This result makes us particularly proud and we are excited to see what the future path of both of them looks like with us at the district administration," said Annika Möller, head of training. All trainees and students are taken on by the district following their training or studies. In addition to the takeover, the salary of the new administrative assistants was also adjusted. "This measure was simply necessary and appropriate in view of the change in tasks," explained Andreas Mann. The new employees are now being deployed in a wide variety of specialised services and are being trained in the specialised features.

On the district's website at, you can find all further information about the training and study programmes offered by the district administration.

Caption: District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst honours the 33 graduates of the district administration together with Head of Administration Andreas Mann and the training managers Annika Möller, Marie-Luise Querl and Julia Blumenstein.