Democracy Talks North Hesse: Online lecture on 3 March

This year, DEXT's "Democracy Talks North Hesse" will take place again - this is the abbreviation by which the specialised agencies for democracy promotion and cross-phenomena extremism prevention are now well known. In 2022, the talks will be held under the overarching theme of "Social Cohesion". The first event will be an online lecture on 3 March 2022 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. on the 2020/21 Mitte study with the addition of "How challenged is our middle class?

Since 2006, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) has published a new "FES-Mitte-Studie" approximately every two years. The studies provide information on the prevalence, development and background of right-wing extremist, misanthropic and anti-democratic attitudes in Germany. This year, the study is about "The demanded middle. Right-wing extremist and anti-democratic attitudes in Germany 2020/21".

Our society is challenged to position itself, because right-wing extremist, racist and democracy-threatening attitudes have been affecting us more and more in recent years. This is confirmed by representative surveys of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which are published in the Mitte study. But how fragile is our society? Is right-wing populism already an everyday occurrence? Has the Corona pandemic changed the democratic orientation of our society?

The author of the study, Prof. Dr. Beate Küpper, will present the study at the Democracy Talks North Hesse on 3 March and discuss current developments with the participants. The free online event will take place via the WEBEX platform. A link will be sent out shortly before the event. It is not necessary to download any special software. Registrations will be accepted until 2 March 2022 by the DEXT office Schwalm-Eder at the e-mail address or by phone 05681 775-718. Further questions about this Democracy Talk North Hesse will also be answered there.