Geopark GrenzWelten presents new geoportal in Medebach

The GrenzWelten National Geopark is pleased to present a new geoportal. In the foyer of the Medebacher Stadtmuseum in Oberstraße 26, the portal can be easily operated interactively. The history experience park of Korbach, the sister Hanseatic town of North Rhine-Westphalia and the only Hanseatic town in Hesse, can boast 82 attractive sights in Medebach and about 30 km in the surrounding area. Because of the town's border location with Waldeck-Frankenberg, 26 offers from the district are also included. All those interested in geology and history are cordially invited to explore the new Geopark and History Portal.

The joint sponsors of the portal are the working group "Heimatvereine in Medebach" and the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Medebach (HGV). The funding of 92,000 euros was achieved with the help of LEADER funding from the LEADER Region Hochsauerlandkreis, the NRW Foundation, grants from the town of Medebach and donations from cooperation partners. Geopark guide Horst Frese voluntarily took on the task of collecting texts and photos for each of the 82 offers and coordinating them with the more than 35 partners.

A special highlight from the point of view of GrenzWelten is the relief of the region. Using a beamer, it projects various maps on different topics and can be operated by visitors via a control tablet. "We haven't had a portal like this in the Geopark before, it's unique," emphasises Kim Peis from the Geopark office... a completely new way for locals to find out about their home region. For offers in the city area, a third level can be selected under "Museums/Places/Short Videos of Places". In addition to a text, up to three photos can also be called up here.

Contact Portal Medebach:
Medebach Touristik
Marktplatz 1, 59964 Medebach
Tel.: 02982 9218610