Education and training
Education and training
During the training, the participants will learn to implement the STARK BEWEGT training as a method for use in school classes (primary level, secondary level 1). They will experience and discuss the training from the pupils' point of view and gradually learn how to accompany the process independently as trainers. The basis for the eight-day training is the STARK BEWEGT concept of the sports and youth work department of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district. In the annual one-day further training, the skills and abilities learned in the training are deepened through special focal points.
The participants will get to know the STARK BEWEGT training as a method for use in school classes in individually designed training sessions. On the one hand, they will experience the training from the perspective of the students, but at the same time they will also experience and discuss the process support from the perspective of the instructor in the reflection phases. Together, a possible course of training will be carried out and possible applications of various interaction exercises and problem-solving tasks with their objectives will be presented. In addition, methods of transfer to everyday school life will be discussed.

Support materials and instructions
For teachers, there are ready-made materials, instructions and training plans that can be downloaded for the training sessions with the children if required.