Tuberculosis counselling

  • Performance specification

    Tuberculosis is a contagious disease. It is an infectious disease that often begins with uncharacteristic symptoms (cough, tiredness, slight fever, etc.) and mainly affects the lungs, but can also affect other organs.

    In order to prevent the disease from spreading in the body and to prevent other people from becoming infected, it is important to recognise it early and start treatment with medication.

    Treatment must be prolonged and consistent, as otherwise the disease may break out again, antibiotics may become ineffective (so-called development of resistance) and infection may lead to further cases of the disease.

    The tasks of tuberculosis counselling in the districts and cities are

    • Identification and examination of persons in contact with tuberculosis patients
    • Accompaniment and monitoring of antituberculous therapy carried out on an outpatient basis
    • u. Under certain circumstances, implementation of therapy and its assurance
    • Further follow-up after the end of therapy

Who do I need to contact?

If you have any questions about tuberculosis counselling, please contact the specialist medical service in your district or city.

Responsible departments

Responsible staff