Vhs German Language Courses
Performance specification
Education and especially learning the German language are indispensable to enable participation in social life. In order to make this possibility possible for people with low incomes, the district, together with the vhs Waldeck-Frankenberg, promotes participation in vhs German language courses within the framework of voluntary services.
How is support provided:
- The costs for course participation are covered by the district in the amount of 40% of the total costs. The remaining 60% is covered by the vhs. Costs for textbooks are borne by the participants themselves. In addition, travel costs are covered in the amount of a Diakonieticket.
- Funding is provided in the following cases:
When receiving benefits according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz), when receiving assistance for subsistence or basic security benefits, when receiving unemployment benefits I and II, when receiving student loans (Bafög).
Applications / Forms
Applications as well as signposts for the assumption of travel costs can be found here:Info:
The application for payment of course fees is submitted to the Vhs on the first day of the course.