Cancer Registry

  • Performance specification

    The Hessian Cancer Registry has the task of continuously recording and evaluating data on cancer cases and oncological treatment in Hessen and making it available for research and quality assurance. For this purpose, doctors report information on the occurrence, treatment and course of cancer and its early forms.

    The more information is available on a cancer and the therapy used, as well as its healing success, the greater the possibilities are to identify effective therapies and further improve the care of patients with cancer.

    The Hessian Cancer Registry consists of the Trust Office, which is located at the State Medical Association of Hesse (LÄKH), as well as the State Evaluation Office and the Accounting Office, which are part of the Hessian State Examination and Research Office in the Health Sector (HLPUG).

    Why is reporting to the Hessian Cancer Registry so important?

    Every report contributes to this,

    • Promote patient-centred collaboration in cancer care,
    • identify the risk factors for cancer,
    • Evaluate the benefits of statutory cancer screening programmes,
    • to make effective treatments against cancer visible,
    • ensure the quality of oncological care,
    • to record the incidence of cancer in Hessen and
    • Promote interdisciplinary and intersectoral exchange on cancer.

    What do Hessian doctors receive for reporting?

    Reporting doctors receive

    1. a reporting fee,
    2. Information on the current vital status of your patient,
    3. Information on treatment and progress assessment by other doctors,
    4. Support in tumour documentation.
  • Process flow

    Hessian (dental) doctors who are involved in the oncological treatment of a patient are required by § 4 of the Hessian Cancer Registry Act to transmit treatment information to the cancer registry. This is done by means of reports on specified occasions when diseases subject to mandatory reporting are present. According to § 65c SGB V, all malignant tumour diseases including their early stages as well as benign tumours of the central nervous system are subject to compulsory reporting throughout Germany, although in Hesse non-melanotic skin tumours are not subject to compulsory reporting under § 1 Hessian Cancer Registry Act.

    Reporting occasions are:

    1. the diagnosis of a tumour disease,
    2. histological, cytological and autopsy confirmation of the diagnosis,
    3. the beginning as well as the conclusion of a therapeutic measure,
    4. Changes in the course of the disease, especially due to the occurrence of recurrences, metastases and second tumours,
    5. the result of the aftercare,
    6. the death of the patient.
  • Requirements

    In order to be able to transmit information on the oncological treatment of your patient to the Hessian Cancer Registry, prior registration with the Hessian Cancer Registry is required.

  • Legal basis

    Cancer Early Detection and Registry Act (KFRG), in particular Section 65c of the German Social Security Code V
    Hessian Cancer Registry Act (HKRG)

  • What else should I know?

Who do I need to contact?

For questions regarding registration with the Hessian Cancer Registry, tumour documentation of reports and data protection of personal data:

Trust Center of the Hessian Cancer Registry

Landesärztekammer Hessen
Lurgiallee 10
60439 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: 069 5660876-0
Fax: 069 5660876-10

For questions about evaluations on cancer incidence and treatment:

State Evaluation Centre of the Hessian Cancer Registry

Hessisches Landesprüfungs- und Untersuchungsamt im Gesundheitswesen
Lurgiallee 10
60439 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: 069 580013-400
Fax: 0611 327644-814

If you have any questions about the reporting fee, please contact the reporting doctors:

Settlement office of the Hessian Cancer Registry

Hessisches Landesprüfungs- und Untersuchungsamt im Gesundheitswesen
Lurgiallee 10
60439 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: 069 580013-400
Fax: 0611 327644-900

Responsible departments

Responsible staff