Fisheries Authority
Performance specification
Fishing exam
In order to obtain the first fishing licence (see fishing licence), a passed fishing examination is generally required. In this examination, sufficient knowledge of fish species, the management of fish stocks and care of fishing waters, fishing gear and its use, the treatment of caught fish and the regulations of fishing law, animal protection law and nature conservation law must be demonstrated. State or state-recognised fishing examinations of the other federal states are equivalent to the Hessian fishing examination.
Among others, the following are exempt from taking the fishing examination:
- Young people, if they buy a youth fishing licence,
- professionally trained fishermen with a corresponding final examination or master craftsman's examination as well as persons who are being trained for this purpose,
- Persons who are scientifically trained in the field of fisheries,
- Persons who are not domiciled in Austria or who belong to the diplomatic corps and are in possession of a foreign fishing licence.
Fishing leases
The right to fish is leased by means of a fishing lease contract. This contract shall be notified to the fisheries authority.