Hunting Authority

  • Performance specification

    Hunting offences

    Violations of hunting law may constitute criminal offences or misdemeanours. The hunting authority is responsible for punishing such administrative offences.

    Hunting leases

    The hunting lease is concluded between the hunting right holder and the hunting tenant.

    The lessors shall notify the hunting authority of hunting leases within one month of their conclusion. The duty of notification also extends to amendments and extensions of hunting leases, sub-leasing and sub-leasing as well as to the admission of co-tenants. The authority may object to the contract within three weeks of receipt of the notification if the provisions on the duration of the lease have not been observed or if it is to be expected that the provisions of section 1 subsection (2) of the Federal Hunting Act will be violated by a hunting practice under the contract.

    Confirmation of gamekeepers

    Persons entitled to hunt may for their hunting district

    appoint persons of full age who have at least successfully passed the hunter's examination as hunting wardens. The appointment must be made in writing. In the absence of the person authorised to hunt, the game warden shall in particular carry out measures that cannot be postponed for the care of sick, injured or dead game.

    Admission of examinees to the hunter examination

    In order to obtain a hunting licence and be able to hunt, you must first take the hunter's examination. You must apply for admission to the hunter's examination at the competent hunting authority of your usual place of residence up to four months before the examination date. The details of the application procedure are governed by § 6 HJagdV. The hunter's examination consists of the hunting shooting test, the written and the practical oral part of the examination. The Regional Council in Kassel is responsible for organising and conducting the hunter examination. The examination itself is taken by a hunter examination board appointed by the Higher Hunting Authority.