Women's Office presents corona-compliant programme of events
Whether job and career, health, personal development, life planning or art: this year, the Women's Office of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district has once again put together an attractive programme on various topics and life situations. What is different this year, however, is that some of the events will take place online and all others will strictly adhere to the protective measures in force at the time.
"This presented us with great challenges in advance, even during the planning stage," reports Beate Friedrich, the district's women's representative. "We thought long and hard about whether to put on a programme - but then decided to do so." She says it is important that all events - if at all possible - take place in strict compliance with the measures. "That can also mean that one or the other event is cancelled or moved to the digital space at short notice. We are prepared for that."
Some of the events are already planned digitally anyway: For example, there will be an active online reading for International Women's Day on 8 March. There will also be online seminars on the topics of job and career. Interested women can also choose from almost 40 offers. The topics are diverse: women are coached to become aware of their strengths and to use them, how they can relax optimally, reduce stress or master everyday life with confidence, or how they can take on more self-responsibility and develop professionally and privately.
The programme of events is available in printed form in the cities, municipalities and many other public places and can also be found online. Depending on the event, there will be a contribution towards expenses of between €55 and €59 including lunch. We would like to emphasise once again that it is always the current situation that determines whether the events can take place as planned. The online events are free of charge. For more information, please contact the district women's office at 05631 - 954 318 or e-mail: frauenbuero@lkwafkb.de.