After a year's break: circus project takes place again

After the circus project of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district and the city of Frankenberg was cancelled last year due to the Corona pandemic, it may take place again in 2021 under pandemic conditions. From 5 to 10 July, children between the ages of 8 and 13 can once again get a taste of the circus at the Burgberg in Frankenberg in accordance with the Corona rules - this time under the motto "Ghost Castle". Registrations are now open. Since the number of participants had to be limited from 90 to 50, those interested should register as soon as possible.

In the circus education project, children have the opportunity to experience exciting movement and push themselves to their limits. They can learn tightrope walking, fire and fakir arts, demonstrate acrobatic skills on the trapeze and much more. The circus acts they rehearse are then presented to a large audience in a real circus tent at the end of their very own circus week, in two performances - one on 9 July at 4 p.m. and the other on 10 July at 11 a.m.

The recognition of the audience boosts the children's self-confidence and motivates them to give their all. At the same time, social barriers are broken down and an openness to new contacts is created. Children with and without disabilities are welcome in the project - an important part of the concept, which is about getting something going together.

The project is financed by the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg and the city of Frankenberg, the participation fee per child is 125 euros. There is the possibility of a reduction. Registration for the "Ghost Castle" of the Dobbelino Circus is possible by contacting the Sports and Youth Work Department at 05631 954-492 or by e-mail: