Regulars' table for newcomers and returnees on 13 July

The regulars' table for newcomers and returnees in Waldeck-Frankenberg is going into the second round - and this time even as a presence event, of course in compliance with the applicable Corona rules. Anyone who is new to the district and wants to meet people and exchange ideas is cordially invited to the next regulars' table for newcomers and returnees on 13 July at 7 pm at the Campfhof in Dalwigksthal.

Among other things, an entertaining quiz round with questions on all kinds of topics is planned. There will be an opportunity to talk to new people and exchange experiences in a relaxed atmosphere. Interested parties are therefore very welcome to take part in the event.

For a few years now, the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg has made it its business to take care of newcomers and returnees. The "SuSe - Stand- und Spielbein ermöglichen" project, which is part of the village and regional development service and within the framework of which the regulars' table takes place, serves this purpose. "SuSe" wants to help people gain a foothold in the district and arrive professionally and privately. Those interested can register with the project coordinator Anneke Heine until 9 July by calling 05631 954-533 or sending an email to