District and Cine K show "The Indomitable" on 8 December

Between 1949 and 1990, the presence of female politicians was a process that first had to find its way into the power structures of incumbent men. Nevertheless, several women in West Germany did important preliminary work to become part of democratic decision-making. The Women's Office of the district and the Cine K Korbach will show the film on 8 December from 6 p.m. at a reduced admission price in compliance with the applicable Corona rules. Those interested are welcome to register.

At that time, it was mainly men who were responsible for the day-to-day political business. Women had to fight for their participation in democratic decision-making processes with hard pioneering work against men who were spoilt for success. Sexism and belittlement were the order of the day, but several women in West Germany were not impressed by this. Sometimes patiently and sometimes ambitiously, they fought to have their voices heard. As a document of a time in which prejudice and sexual discrimination threatened to thwart women politicians, Torsten Körner's documentary "Die Unbeugsamen" (The Unbending) also draws a bow to the present. In the film, women politicians from then and now have their say and recall the turbulent times.

The film is being shown by the Women's Office of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district in cooperation with cinema operator Jörg Wahab from Cine K Korbach. There is a reduced admission price of five euros. "We are happy to pay the difference of three euros to the regular ticket price," says Beate Friedrich, the district's equal opportunities commissioner, who is pleased and grateful for the successful cooperation with the Korbach cinema. Admission starts at 6 pm. There will be a champagne reception and snack before the film starts at 6.30 pm. The screening will take place under the current Corona rules. Registration is also required by e-mail: info@kinokorbach.de or phone 05631 - 568950.