The building shell is ready: Notice of funding for DRK day-care centre on Südring in Korbach

The first cut of the spade at the beginning of March, the topping-out ceremony in pouring rain in July, completion of the shell in mid-November - the so-called official kindergarten of the German Red Cross at Südring in Korbach is rapidly approaching completion. During a visit to the shell of the building, DRK Managing Director Christian Peter was pleased to receive a grant of 300,000 euros. The district of Waldeck-Frankenberg is providing this sum from its day care centre investment funds. In order to continue to ensure a good range of childcare services for children in Waldeck-Frankenberg, a total of around 1.7 million euros in district funds will flow into the expansion of daycare in the district in 2021, according to First District Administrator and Youth Department Head Karl-Friedrich Frese.

"Just in time before winter, our hard-working craftsmen managed to completely plaster the building and thus provide the necessary protection from the weather," Peter said with satisfaction. Nothing now stands in the way of the interior work during the cold season. Architect Jürgen Dubielzig from the Sachs architectural office specified that painting and flooring work was now pending, after the screed had already been applied and the floor inside was ready for further work. In spring 2022, the day care centre will finally be furnished and maple and lime trees will be planted outside to provide privacy and shade.

At the on-site visit, Korbach's mayor Klaus Friedrich emphasised: "Here at the day-care centre on the edge of our largest public authority location, we have a prime example of a successful partnership between the district, the DRK and the Hanseatic City of Korbach for our youngest children". Special attention should be paid to the day care centre's very generous play area of around 2,500 m², where the girls and boys can really let off steam and indulge their urge to move and play in a protected outdoor space.

A total of 3.3 million euros has been budgeted for the construction project. According to the current status, this amount will increase by approximately 18 - 20 percent due to the shortage of materials caused by the pandemic and the accompanying drastic price increases for wood, steel and electrical materials. The construction of the day-care centre is supported by federal funds from the "Childcare Financing Investment Programme 2020 - 2021" amounting to 1.07 million euros as well as a further planned subsidy of 318,000 euros from the district, which are included in the draft of the 2022 district budget, according to Youth Affairs Officer Frese. Equally encouraging: the targeted opening date of March 2022 will in all likelihood be met.