SuSe invites to the "Escape Room" in Volkmarsen

How can a group succeed in a collective effort to escape from a locked room by solving puzzles and similar tasks? The district-wide network for returnees and newcomers "SuSe- Stand- und Spielbein ermöglichen" would like to give an answer to this question on Wednesday, 24 November 2021, from 6:30 pm. The network invites all those interested in participating in such a group to the Escape Room in Volkmarsen.

For all those who don't know the English term: "Escape Room" is a thematic, locked room in which the players have to solve different puzzles and pick locks together in order to leave the room as the winner. They usually have about an hour or, in other words, 60 minutes to do this. After the game in Volkmarsen on 24 November, there will be a joint visit to a restaurant.

The offer is aimed at returnees and newcomers in the district and all people who would like to make new contacts. Due to a limited number of participants, registration is required. The SuSe-Network will accept registrations until 19 November 2021 by phone 05631 954-533 or by email Further information on the event and the SuSe network can be found on the website