Against slogans at the regulars' table: Workshop on 26 October

As part of the series of events "Democracy Talks North Hesse", the five DEXT offices in North Hesse invite you to an online workshop on 26 October from 6 to 7.30 pm. Registrations are welcome.

"They all steal like ravens", "We even have Sharia law" - "They're all just economic refugees": It is often not easy to counter slogans at the pub. Most of the time, people are confronted with them unexpectedly, for example at work or among family and friends. But it is important to counter misanthropic and self-righteous statements - for oneself, for others present, for an open society.

The online workshop therefore teaches the tools needed to react in a catchy and targeted way to slogans. Afterwards, the communication strategies learned will be practised using examples in practical phases. Finally, an introduction is given on how to prevent hatred and prejudice through a transcultural attitude.

The workshop is lively and offers a first insight into argumentation strategies. The workshop is led by Christoph Pinkert, trainer, lecturer and supervisor for peace education, conflict transformation, experienced speaker in anti-racism work as well as leadership and organisational development. The online event will take place via the Zoom platform. A link will be sent out shortly before the event. It is not necessary to download any special software. The event is free of charge. Registration is possible by phone 05631-954 561 or email: