SuSe invites you to the Midsummer Hike

The network for returnees and newcomers in Waldeck-Frankenberg "SuSe" (Stand und Spielbein ermöglichen) supports newcomers in the district to have an easier arrival, to find their feet and to put down roots faster. Across the district, the network offers people the opportunity to share common interests.

For Wednesday, 22 June 2022, SuSe now invites you to an approx. 8 km hike on the Fahrentriesch Route in the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park, starting at the National Park entrance and Elsebach car park in Vöhl-Schmittlotheim. The hike starts at 6 pm; all newcomers or returnees, but of course also all other interested people who feel addressed and would like to make new contacts, are cordially invited. Registrations are possible until Tuesday, 21 June 2022.

More information about the hike is available at or directly from SuSe project coordinator Anneke Heine, who also accepts registrations for the tour, by email or by phone 05631 954-533.