Ukraine war: District arranges private accommodation offers
After the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Waldeck-Frankenberg district is providing humanitarian aid for people fleeing the war region. These are mainly women and mothers with their children. There are also numerous offers of help from the population in Waldeck-Frankenberg - for example, private and short-term accommodation for refugees. The district is happy to arrange these - and has bundled all the information online.
Solidarity and willingness to help great
"After the terrible Russian invasion, many people from Waldeck-Frankenberg are expressing their solidarity with the people in Ukraine. The willingness to help in this country is great," says District Administrator Jürgen van der Horst and thanks all the people who have already offered their help. "We would like to arrange existing offers of help for private accommodation - and have provided a lot of information about this on our website."
District prepares
Together with the municipalities, the district is currently preparing for a possible reception of people fleeing the war in Ukraine. This means that not only are accommodation options being explored, but planning for care and support is also underway. "So far we have not received any detailed information from the state of Hesse as to whether and, if so, when people from Ukraine are to be accommodated and cared for in Waldeck-Frankenberg," the district administrator continued. There are also no statements yet about possible orders of magnitude. This also depends on the further development of the situation in Ukraine. "However, we want to be prepared in the best possible way - and are therefore already taking care of important planning steps."
Exchange for private accommodation offers
Regarding the short-term accommodation of people from Ukraine, the district is already receiving numerous offers of help. Therefore, in addition to its preparations for accommodating the people, the district administration has set up an exchange for private accommodation offers. Anyone who is willing to take in people from Ukraine free of charge at short notice for initial care can leave their offer with the district. If there is a short-term need, contact will be made through the administration. The data will not be passed on.