New self-help group Bad Wildungen

The idea of self-help is gaining a foothold in the Waldeck-Frankenberg district - the fourth new group will be founded in 2023. It will start on 30 March in Bad Wildungen and will again be supported and accompanied in the initial phase by the Waldeck-Frankenberg self-help contact point. Under the name "Nevertheless on", it is aimed at women and their relatives after sexualised violence. The self-help group is intended to enable affected women to talk to other affected women, to support, appreciate and strengthen each other. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact the self-help centre at 05631 954-888 or e-mail

The first meeting of the new group will take place on Thursday, 30 March 2023, from 4 to 5:30 pm at the counselling centre "Lautstark", Brunnenstraße 53 in Bad Wildungen. Another meeting at the same time and place is scheduled for Thursday, 20 April 2023. Registration is not required, participation is also possible anonymously. If desired, a preliminary discussion can be arranged with the self-help contact point (Tel. 05631 954-888).

Sexualised violence against women is not uncommon; almost every seventh woman in Germany is affected, and the number of unreported cases is significantly higher. Not only rape or abuse, but also sexual harassment counts as sexualised violence. Such an act leaves lasting memories for the victims and can have a significant impact on everyday life and relationships. Often the victims do not talk about it, out of shame or because they blame themselves for what happened. The topic is often taboo in society, and it is rarely possible to talk about the experience within the family.

For the initiator, it was therefore a long way until she decided to set up the new self-help group with the help of the self-help contact point and the "Lautstark" counselling centre of the association Frauen helfen Frauen Waldeck Frankenberg e. V.. She reports: "There is no such thing as normal, everyday situations that others take for granted can be very difficult to bear. Many things become difficult in everyday life, e.g. visits to the doctor and similar everyday things." She hopes to find other sufferers in the new group who speak openly with each other and thus support each other. Everything that is said in the group is not made public. The group is meant to be a protective space for those affected, but it is not a substitute for therapy.

One in ten adults will participate in a self-help group during their lifetime. Community self-help has long been a proven way of coping with illnesses and challenges in life. Members meet regularly, support and inform each other. In this way, they learn new ways of dealing with life's challenges, take responsibility for their own health and gain more knowledge by sharing experiences with others who are similarly affected.


Self-help Financial support for self-help groups