District council meeting takes place on 4 April in the Korbach town hall

The next meeting of the Waldeck-Frankenberg District Council will take place on Monday, 4 April at 2 p.m. in the Korbach Town Hall. The Chairman of the District Council, Rainer Hesse, cordially invites interested members of the public to attend the meeting.

At the request of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Freie Wähler and FDP parliamentary groups, there will be a topical session on the subject of "Waldeck-Frankenberg helps refugees from Ukraine". Furthermore, the MPs will discuss, among other things, the location of the new building for the Technical University of Central Hesse in Frankenberg as well as the amendment of the accommodation fee statutes of the district.

In addition, a joint major question by the CDU and SPD parliamentary groups will deal with the care support point. A motion by the CDU and SPD deals with the preparation of measures to ensure the legal entitlement to all-day care at primary schools. In addition, two further motions of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group will be on the agenda, among others, which will deal with day care for children and the field path statutes of the municipalities. A joint motion by Sabine Moering and Regina Preysing as well as the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group also deals with ensuring family-friendly mandates in the district council.

The public meeting will take place in the Korbach town hall, as the meeting room in the district hall is not available. Nevertheless, only a limited number of seats are available for the public. Interested parties are therefore requested to register in advance by calling 05631 - 954 325 or e-mailing: kreisorgane@lkwafkb.de. Information on the current agenda of the district council meeting is also available online at www.landkreis-waldeck-frankenberg.de.