New Geopark Guides for the GrenzWelten Geopark

Reinforcement for the team of the National Geopark GrenzWelten in the Marsberg/ Diemelsee region: Heiner Duppelfeld from Westheim, Michael Hefer from Padberg and Manfred Pauly from Niedermarsberg passed their examination as geopark guides according to the geopark guidelines on 21 February 2022. Their certification marked the end of around one year of training focusing on regional earth, landscape and settlement history, available raw materials and mining, vegetation history and territorial history up to the recent past. The aim of the training to become a geopark guide is to understand and be able to explain these complex interrelationships.

Organised by the head of the Geopark project office Kim Peis, Geopark guide Gerd Rosenkranz put the training into practice. In addition to the theory, there were numerous excursions spread across the Geopark area, e.g. to the Paderborn plateau, but also to the region around Lake Diemel and Brilon, to the Volkmarser and Wolfhager Land as well as to museums and mines in the Geopark, taking into account the current corona rules. The excursions were accompanied by local scientists and experienced Geopark guides. Special thanks go to Geopark guide Gerd Rosenkranz for designing the content and managing the training.

The certification as a Geopark guide includes a theoretical examination, the participants have to plan an approx. 4-5 hour natural history tour and present it from a technical and didactic point of view. These examination hikes will be offered to the public in the 2022 hiking season. Tour and event dates will soon be published in the Geopark Calendar of Events 2022, which is available from the Geopark Project Office in Korbach or online at Thus, the team Christian Kümmel, Diemelsee-Adorf, and Gerd Rosenkranz, Marsberg, which has been successful for 10 years, will now be strengthened by the new Geopark guides. The range of educational tourism and practical environmental education for kindergartens, schools and interested citizens can thus also be expanded.