Mental strengthening: District invites to Psychiatry Day on 13 October

In our society, mental resilience and balance are becoming increasingly important in order to cope with crises and other stresses in everyday life. Consciously applied strategies can help to cope, but can also help preventively. This will be the topic of the district's Psychiatry Day on 13 October from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Philipp Soldan Forum in Frankenberg. Anyone interested is cordially invited to attend.

Strengthen mental health
Stress is a ubiquitous companion in today's world and is an increasing burden on a large part of society. A hectic pace and time pressure negatively affect many people. Added to this is the daily confrontation with a multitude of depressing news, which can also put a strain on positive thinking. Mental health and stress reduction are thus increasingly in focus. But how can we build up and strengthen our personal resources? This year's Psychiatry Day deals with this topic.

Helping oneself in stressful situations
Resilience is described as the ability of the psyche to withstand stress and crisis situations and to survive them without permanent impairment. The event shows different ways to help oneself in stressful situations and crises. Specialist lectures such as "Resilience and mental illness", "Resilience - a good idea" and "Immune to stress? Resilience - innate or learnable ability?" offer an introduction to an informative and professional exchange. This is followed by various workshops such as "What my crisis wants to tell me", "Mental resources - mental stability" or "How you can promote your resilience with yoga".

The symposium addresses both professionals and all interested parties. It is organised by the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg together with the town of Frankenberg (Eder), the Kreisverband der Treffpunkte e.V., the Landeswohlfahrtsverband Hessen, the Lebenshilfe-Werk Kreis Waldeck-Frankenberg e.V., Vitos Haina gGmbH, the Zweckverband Diakonisches Werk Waldeck-Frankenberg and the Bathildisheim e.V. Bad Arolsen. The event has been applied for certification by the State Medical Association of Hesse. Participation is free of charge and registration is not necessary.


Empowering people Social psychiatric service Specialist health service