District supports training for health workers
The Waldeck-Frankenberg district with its early help services in the Youth Department offers support to those interested in qualifying as a family midwife and a family, health and children's nurse. From January 2024, a corresponding qualification course will take place in Kassel - run by Start gGmbh on behalf of the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration. Certified midwives and certified health and paediatric nurses with two years of professional experience are eligible for further training.
Support in the first years of life
For many years, health professionals such as midwives and health and paediatric nurses with appropriate additional qualifications have been active in the area of early help in the district. They advise and accompany parents and families with babies and toddlers up to the age of three. The aim is to promote health and development in the first years of life. The early help services are aimed in particular at families in stressful situations, when they need extended psychosocial support within their life situation, which goes beyond the general help after birth that is financed by the health insurance fund.
Free and low-threshold offer
For example, advice can be given on the physical and emotional development of the child or on nutritional issues. In addition, suggestions can be given for a good and successful bond with the child. The professionals are members of the Early Intervention Network, they provide support with questions about child development opportunities and, if necessary, refer to other appropriate agencies within the network. Particularly important: There are no costs for the use of early help, it is low-threshold and non-discriminatory.
Those interested in further training to become health professionals with the aim of working for the district in early prevention can receive funding for the training costs. The work for the district can start at the same time, i.e. in parallel to the job and at the same time as the further training. More information can be obtained from the district's Youth Service at bettina.goetz@lkwafkb.de or by calling 06451 743-642. Further information on the detailed schedule and dates is also available there. Applications can be made online here until 31 December 2023.
Youth Early Inter vention Service Start in Life