Driving licence office
Driving licence office
Driving licence matters can be dealt with at the administrative offices of the district in Korbach and Frankenberg. At present, a personal visit is only possible by prior appointment.

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Apply for a driving licence online
In future, novice drivers will be able to submit their initial application for a driving licence online to the Waldeck-Frankenberg district. With just a few clicks - via PC or conveniently via smartphone - you can enter all the information and upload the necessary documents. Even a biometric photo can be taken by selfie. This not only saves you a trip to the office, but also a lot of time.
Driving licences are issued by the driving licence authorities, which in Hesse are located at district level with the district administrations. A distinction must be made between:
- First issue of a driving licence including accompanied driving at 17 (BF 17)
- Extension to other additional classes
- Re-issuance of a driving licence after revocation
- Issuing of driving licences for passenger transport (taxis and rental cars)
- Issue of international driving licences
- Transcription of special driving permits and foreign driving licences
A further task of the driving licence office is to check the suitability of conspicuous driving licence holders, up to and including the withdrawal of the driving licence. If a driving licence has been lost or stolen, those affected can also contact the driving licence office. The same applies if a driving licence is unusable or has to be exchanged for an EU driving licence, or if it is necessary to extend temporary driving licence categories.