Integration through sport: district invites to online training courses
For many, sport is indispensable for settling into a new home. Especially in clubs, it creates a sense of community and social cohesion. How clubs can open up interculturally, how people with a migration background can be integrated into club life and what opportunities arise from this, is what the district will be informing about in online training sessions on 24 February and 3 March. Those interested are cordially invited to attend.
Especially for representatives of sports clubs and associations, but also club members, active athletes or volunteers, there will be valuable information and a constructive exchange. It is organised by the Migration and Integration Office with WIR Coordinator Daniel Gretz and Integration Officer Latif Hamamiyeh Al-Homssi, together with the district's Sports and Youth Work Service under the direction of Matthias Schäfer and Peter Schreiber from Sportjugend Hessen e.V..
The aim of both events is to raise awareness of intercultural openness in sport. In addition, clubs are to be encouraged to reflect on themselves against this background - and to become aware of how integration is already practised in their own clubs. In addition, ideas and suggestions will be made on how clubs and associations can realise integrative offers despite the suspension of regular activities - including proactive work with parents, cooperation with day-care centres and schools or the appointment of an integration officer in the clubs. The training will also focus on the exchange of experiences and ideas. The link to the training will be sent to the participants by email one day before the event. A headset and webcam are useful, as active participation is desired.