New local bread for Waldeck-Frankenberg
We associate the concept of home with very different things. For some it is the sight of the familiar church steeple when returning from holiday, for others it is the parental home that the family has lived in for generations. But there is one thing that everyone agrees on: home is also, to a large extent, the familiar food, the regional products with their very own taste. This is where the idea of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district with its agricultural department and the bakers' guild comes in: to create a "Heimatbrot" (homeland bread) made with products from the region and containing flax grown in the district as a special ingredient.
Already at the beginning of the year, in cooperation with the bakery Bienhaus from Battenberg (Eder), the agricultural department presented the first bread varieties that contain ingredients as a unique selling point, almost 100 percent of which come from Waldeck-Frankenberg or directly neighbouring districts. In the production of these breads, it is also important that the processing of the raw materials takes place in the district as far as possible. This is also the case with the new "Heimatbrot" with linseed, a healthy, hearty-tasty sourdough bread weighing 750 g that can be kept for several days.
Unlike the bread of the same name already on offer, which is only available from the Battenberg bakery, the basic recipe for the linseed "Heimat Brot" is made available to all Waldeck-Frankenberg bakeries for production. Master baker Michael Bienhaus: "At the next guild meeting, we will propose the use of the local linseed and advertise to the businesses that many will take part in the campaign." It is of course possible for the bakeries to individually supplement the basic recipe, so that there will be completely different "homeland breads" based on the same sourdough with linseed.
For the special ingredient of the new baked goods, organic farmer Christoph Dietzel from Twistetal-Berndorf has dared to cultivate linseed in spring 2021. Flax was sown on a good hectare and has taken off well, adding bright blue-purple splashes of colour between the green and yellow grain fields during its planned flowering period in June/July. The flax is harvested in August/September, then it has to dry, goes to a mill for processing and is packaged.
"We are pleased that our local bakeries will help create the new bread in partnership," said District Administrator Dr Reinhard Kubat at the presentation of the "Heimatbrot" idea in the agricultural department and thanked the craft enterprises for their willingness to participate in the implementation of the idea. The cooperation between the district and the bakers' guild has been excellent for many years, as guild master Bienhaus also confirmed. District Administrator Dr. Kubat and Direct Marketing Director Friedrich Schäfer hope for a wide distribution of the "Heimat Brot", offered by bakeries from Volkmarsen to Rosenthal and Bad Wildungen to Willingen across the entire district.